Saturday, February 20, 2010

It's finally finished!

Yes, I finally finished my book, and the title I finally settled on is Amateur Queen: Kathrine Meets the Pirates! It's book 1! I'm already working on Book 2!

My book will be published through Create Space and my proof will be here any day! Then I can put it for sale, and anyone can buy it! Also I entered the Breakout Novel Contest from and Create space. There were two catagories, general fiction and Young Adult. I ended up in leaving it in Young Adult. I think that's a good place for it.

On Feb. 25th they will announce those who go on to the next round, depending on my pitch. If I make it past that they editors will read my fist 5000 words. And if I make it past that round they will read my manuscript. If I win one of the two first prize slots I could be published by Penguin and offered a 15,000 dollar upfront royalty.

I'll announce if I made it to round two on Feb. 25th!

Wish me luck!


Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's Done!!

Happy Chinese New Year! It's the year of the Tiger and what a great year it will be too!

I finally finished my novel, book 1 is complete and I'm waiting for my proof right now. If it looks good then it'll go right to sale. My new website is done too, and I like it! Visit

I can't wait for people to start enjoying my book! This is so exciting! I hope you guys like it!