Thursday, July 17, 2014

A Time for everything

Well, it is official I will be moving to Colorado sometime next month. I'm very excited by that and yes apprehensive as well. It is a big change and a big move. Also, I will probably have little time to write until the middle of winter, and this makes me sad.

But as it says in the Bible there is a time for everything and everything in it's own time. I will always be a writer, just some days I don't seem to do any writing. Actually, since I am currently a Creative Writing major I write at least twice a week, sometimes more for my assignments. And sometimes I just feel plain lazy! I do not want to do anything, no writing, no editing, no housework, no cooking, nor anything else that is non essential.

I came across an article that led me to a new writer I don't know called The Laws of magic. Since my book, Kathrine, the True Heir to the Throne, has magic in it I was intrigued. Should magic have rules and laws? Isn't it more fun that without? But after reading the first law I am impressed by the advice. Hard Magic vs Soft Magic, a little like hard science vs. soft science.

The one thing I agreed with from this fella was 'Never use magic to get your character out of a jam, in fact maybe show that using magic makes things worse!' What a lovely rule! As a writer, sadly, it is my job to make life very very difficult for my characters otherwise my readers would be bored to tears and me along with them. So I guess it is okay to have some rules, just don't make them all up as you go along then it is too obvious!

Anyone interested should read up on the Laws of magic, I'm certainly going to check this author out to see if I like him, Brandon Sanderson, is his name.

And I think as long as I try to write during the chaos I might find I am actually giving myself a therapeutic outlet.

Merry Meet and Merry Part and Merry Meet again!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My friend's Fairy Tale

Here is my friend's Fairy Tale she wrote. I loved it and know you will too! Thank you Dr. K!

Reading this got me really thinking how many fairy tales I have read and written. I have read a lot, but only written a few. I was wondering if my Gedren story was in the fairy tale genre. I'll have to got dig it out to share it with everyone.

Thank you Kayla Williams for sharing your story and inspiring me to write!!!

~Rosalie Trevino

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Isn't it great that we live in a country with no kings, queens, or dictators!! Where the peasants aren't punished with outrageous taxes.Where every child is nurtured, educated, and well cared for? Oh wait I forgot we do live in country where there is inequity in every facet of our lives!

I know I am feeling morbid and sarcastic today because I've been watching documentaries on netflix about what is really happening in America. And it makes me angry, or ultimately sad.

R Trevino

Monday, January 13, 2014


Is Consumerism killing our planet?

I saw a documentary today called "Ethos". What is Ethos? On Wikipedia says, it "is a Greek word meaning "character" that is used to describe the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community, nation, or ideology."

The Documentary shows how an elite group of people actually run the world and we, the people, let it continue through our continued dependence on on Consumerism. I'll be the first to admit I don't want to let go of my 'things' and every month I want to buy new things, not related at all to food. So I am a consumer. One of the worst offenders. But after seeing this and feeling terrible after Christmas, granted I didn't buy as much as many people, but my kids got so much stuff from me and their father's family. So I asked myself - Is this what Christmas is really about? What am I really teaching my children? That blindly buying things without regards to the consequences is ok? Don't worry there will be more resoucres for the next generation - somehow.

No, I can't say that is a lesson I want to pass on. I would like my children to know peace and a love and appreciation of the Earth for which they live, much like the Native Americans of this country. Most all Native American communities of the past shared all resources -  growing, hunting, gathering, raising of the children. And if one person didn't have enough of something one of the community would give it to (no strings attached), because that's what you do when you are part of a community.

I feel one of the reasons Native Americans were mistreated so badly was because sharing in the community sounds a lot like socialism. And socialism, as we are all taught in school, is evil and must be stopped because it flies in the face of Capitalism. And America is and has always been a country of wealthy men who are Capitalists or businessmen. The bottom line - how much will I make? Is actually what our country was founded on and was built on the backs of minorities and before that slave labor because there were those who would make a fortune.

I digress, I would like to see our world change into a wonderful peaceful place where nature, and resources, are truly appreciated by our children and their children's children. I will continue to visualize this world to come.

Love and light!

R Trevino