Well, it is official I will be moving to Colorado sometime next month. I'm very excited by that and yes apprehensive as well. It is a big change and a big move. Also, I will probably have little time to write until the middle of winter, and this makes me sad.
But as it says in the Bible there is a time for everything and everything in it's own time. I will always be a writer, just some days I don't seem to do any writing. Actually, since I am currently a Creative Writing major I write at least twice a week, sometimes more for my assignments. And sometimes I just feel plain lazy! I do not want to do anything, no writing, no editing, no housework, no cooking, nor anything else that is non essential.
I came across an article that led me to a new writer I don't know called The Laws of magic. Since my book, Kathrine, the True Heir to the Throne, has magic in it I was intrigued. Should magic have rules and laws? Isn't it more fun that without? But after reading the first law I am impressed by the advice. Hard Magic vs Soft Magic, a little like hard science vs. soft science.
The one thing I agreed with from this fella was 'Never use magic to get your character out of a jam, in fact maybe show that using magic makes things worse!' What a lovely rule! As a writer, sadly, it is my job to make life very very difficult for my characters otherwise my readers would be bored to tears and me along with them. So I guess it is okay to have some rules, just don't make them all up as you go along then it is too obvious!
Anyone interested should read up on the Laws of magic, I'm certainly going to check this author out to see if I like him, Brandon Sanderson, is his name. http://brandonsanderson.com/sandersons-first-law/
And I think as long as I try to write during the chaos I might find I am actually giving myself a therapeutic outlet.
Merry Meet and Merry Part and Merry Meet again!